
June 29, 2013

Spenser's 5th birthday

I was driving to pick up the kids at daycare and noticed a place that looked like it sold swingsets. I thought it looked cool from the road so I pulled in to take a closer look.  The place was called "Go play outside now" & it was actually an outdoor play park. I found the website & called about maybe having Spenser's party there & it was so cheap!  The best part was that all adults were free which is fantastic as sometimes there are more adults than kids & that can get pricey!  This place rocked- it had all kinds of cool, cute things. The best was water slide that adults can go on too (actually adults could play on everything- mostly)!  It was such fun & we plan to go again just to play!

As a bonus, here is a video of me going down the water slide!  (I didn't scream nearly as much the other times after this as I was used to it by then!

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