
December 01, 2012

Seeing Santa

We went to see Santa today. Always fun!

 This little dog came to see Santa too & I had to take its photo- so cute!

November 23, 2012

Decorating the tree

We got our tree early this year as well as the Christmas cards & gifts bought & wrapped since we don't know when baby will come. Spenser put the star on top of the tree this year!

I like how they are both in almost the same pose!

So proud!

October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Spenser was Puss N Boots from Shrek & his friend Bradley was the killer from Scream.

September 23, 2012

1860's house

While we were in Alabama, we found this house for sale. I love an old southern plantation & have always wanted to see the inside of a house like this. Luckily it was open so we went exploring. It was awesome!!!

Stained glass

September 22, 2012

Great Grandma

Jon is blessed to have a great grandmother- his only surviving grandparent. We went to visit his family in Alabama this month.  Here is Nannaw with her great grandson Spenser!  I love the fact that my child has a great grandparent!

September 12, 2012

A pump for Jon

Today, Jon got fitted for a diabetic pump. It's been a long time coming & we feel this will be a much better way for him to manage his diabetes than taking injections. This pump gives him a continuous drip of insulin & each time he eats something, he has to enter in the number of carbohydrates he's eating into his little monitor & the insulin will adjust according to what he needs.  So far so good & he shouldn't have any more diabetic crashes which is very good!

September 09, 2012

Jon joins a church

Today, Jon became a member of the little Baptist church down the street from our house. We met with the minister & then at the end of church he introduced us & they voted to accept Jon's membership. I'm still a member of my Presbyterian church. We alternate weekends!  So glad Jon has found a good church where his personal relationship with Jesus can grow!

August 19, 2012

A little garden

We planted tomatoes & red & green peppers recently. I'm excited that they are growing!  I've always wanted a little garden but didn't want to tear up the yard to do it so we planted them in a big planter. When these are done I want to try other things & fruit too!

Our planter on the deck

Tomatoes- still green

August 15, 2012

An incident not an accident

While I was driving to work today, I passed a man using a riding mower to cut grass. The "chute" was aimed towards the street. As I passed I heard a thud. I thought I'd better pull over to see if there is any damage to my 3 week old car before I leave this part of town. When I looked, I saw this:

So I turned around to go back to confront the guy & he was gone. There were only so many houses it could be so I called the police & told them the situation & asked what they wanted me to do & they said to pull over & wait for them. I pulled over in front of the house where I beleived the guy lived. A few minutes later the guy came over to my car & asked if I was broken down. I told him I was waiting for police because the guy that was just mowing caused the damage on the side of my car.  He said " oh that was me". So I asked him if he wanted to hanlde this amongst ourselves or wait for the police & he said we could do it. He called his agent then & there & I spoke to them too & they are sending me a check to get it fixed!  A very nice responsible man he was! I was not about to pay for this when it was someone else's fault nor ignore it & leave my brand new car looking like hell so I am very grateful!

August 04, 2012

Boys on the Beach

Today Kristie & I took the boys to the beach for the day. We went to the usual Wrightsville Beach. However the boys, especially Spenser preferred the pool at my sister's townhouse instead!

These signs are at my Sister's townhouse community at the beach & I think they are hysterical!

July 29, 2012

This is why I haven't updated this blog in 2 months!

Not a great picture but you get the idea.  Baby #2 is due Jan 8. We find out this week what it is so stay tuned! I feel great, no sickness or issues, very different from Spenser's pregnancy but just VERY tired which is why I had no desire to update the blog till now!

July 26, 2012

July is (apparently) new car month!

I really don't know how it happened, it wasn't planned, but we went to the dealership because Jon needed to pick up a part for his Acura & I had seen a commercial for the new Nissan Altima & said "well let's just go look at them".  Jon had an Altima when we first met & loved it & we ended up leaving that day with a brand new 2012 Altima on July 14!  The payment was lower than what we were paying for the Pacifica we traded in & they gave us alot for the trade plus it's a brand new car & we have to do no maintenance for a while plus it's very good on gas. Then 2 weeks later, again not sure how it happened but I ended up trading in my beloved Town & Country minivan for a brand new Kia Sorento on July 25!  Again, no maintenance to have to worry about, beyond excellent trade in for the van, lower payment than what I was paying for the van, much better gas mileage- the van was killing us financially with gas & not to mention a brand new car!  I thought I would have a hard time getting rid of my precious minivan but the Kia has a third row seat which was important to me & the van had hit 190k miles & was starting to need mechanical work & I didn't think it would last till it was paid off in another year. The only thing I'm compromising is trunk space when the 3rd row is up in the Kia- there is virtually none!  But I do love it & Jon was all too happy to get rid of his Pacifica. So we say thanks be to God for his blessings!

July 16, 2012


When we moved into our new house, every room except the kitchen was painted a very nice shade of yellow.  We want to paint each room a color of our choice & started that today. Our great contractor friends Valance & Robbie did it for us.

Spenser helps paint his room the color he chose (light blue)

Spenser's room before

Spenser's room after

Baby's room before

Baby's room after (sage green)

Living room before

Living room after  (light tan & maroon)

July 15, 2012

Pittsburgh Goodies

Last week my Dad & Jordy drove to Pittsburgh & Michigan to visit family & friends & mainly for Aunt Annie's 75th birthday party.  I really wanted to go but being pregnant decided against it as I didn't know how I would feel. I gave Dad some money & told him that he must bring me back some Sarris chocolates & a Bethel bakery cake!  Pure Heaven! The smell of the chocolates immediately brought me back to my childhood & Easter & I got teary eyed! Of course nothing beats a Bethel Bakery cake & some of my southern friends here that tasted it agreed!

I love all the different "shapes". Also got a helicopter, race car, golf bag & others.

Look at that luscious creamy icing!

July 14, 2012

Dearest Papa

This is Jon's Dad who died 3 years ago today way too soon for us. We love & miss him everyday. We wish so much he was here to continue to share in our lives. He was wonderful & I'm so glad he was my father in law & the best one at that! We love you!

3 days before his heart attack

July 02, 2012

A Day at the Beach

Today, we went to Wrightsville Beach for the day. Keeping with tradition, Aunt Gabby was here for Spenser's birthday. We had a great day!

Ready to surf!

With Mommy & Aunt Gabby

                                                           Wave got him!

                     Can you see Gabby & I sitting in the middle of the ocean?


June 30, 2012

Spenser's 4th birthday!

We had Spenser's 4th birthday party at our house today. We bought an inflatable pool & I put it at the end of the slide on the swing set so the kids could have a water slide & it was a huge hit!  I think I'll have to try this later myself!

June 17, 2012