
March 20, 2012

Flowers for Mommy

There is nothing sweeter when your little boy picks flowers for his Mommy, especially with the roots still attached!

March 17, 2012

Making playdoh

Spenser got a kit to make your own playdoh at a birthday party & today he & Bradley made it!

March 11, 2012

Meet Max

Even though we got Max on Dec 23.2011, I don't want to back date the post in case anyone misses it, so attached are a pic of Max the Chihuahua we got as an inside, small, nonshedding dog!

March 09, 2012

Broken toe

In 36 years of life, I have never broken a bone until tonight! I was pushing the laundry basket out of our room & somehow my foot caught the door frame.  The pain was so bad & as I looked down, I saw my toe jut out. I told Jon I thought it was broken. I got up to get dressed to go to the hospital & as soon as I put my heel on the floor, the pain shot up through it & I knew this was bad!  At the hospital, they numbed my toe & pulled it back over & on to get the bone back in place. Doctor said it was good but not perfect & to follow up to be sure it is healing & aligning correctly. I now have crutches & a boot.

                                                      Broken pinky toe

                                              X-ray.  See the pinky toe out of line?

                                              Toe the next day, purple & blue!

Day 2, March 11

Day 3, March 12

February 11, 2012

Sissy Time

A few pics of my sissy Marcie- with Spenser & with me & my Dad.

January 28, 2012

Lyndzie's first birthday!

For those faithful blog followers, you may remember my very first entry of my friend Valance having a baby girl- Lyndzie. Well she turned one now & I hosted her first birthday party at our house.

With her parents

Opening presents

Eating cake