
October 13, 2011

I wrote this a few months ago & thought I'd share.

Being here at my Mother in laws & looking thru all the photo albums & meeting elderly family members & visiting graves of those I haven't met has all made me really think about how true it is that we all grow so quickly. If you are lucky enough, in your lifetime you will be a child, a teenager, a young adult, an adult & then one day you will watch your child get married & you will become a grandparent & you will bury your parents. I can still remember my childhood & growing up very vividly. I can remember all my neighbors & friends, how young we all were & who I now get to see on facebook have their own children & become grandparents. I realize with alarming clarity that this is MY time. I am now the parent with a child to raise when it seems like just a few short years ago I was the child & my parents were raising me. In the blink of an eye, it will also be my time to watch my kids get married & have their own kids & then it will also become THEIR time. I will enjoy & remember each moment even though it scares the hell out of me how quickly it progresses. I hope God allows me the "time" to be here for it all. One day we will die & become a memory. Generations not yet born will ask who you were.  It is fantastic though when my 3yr old puts his little arms around me & says " I wub woo sooo much"!
Yes- this is my time! 

September 24, 2011

Day with Thomas!

Today, the 3 of us & Kristie & Bradley went to the town of Spencer NC to spend the day with Thomas! Highlights below:

Us on Thomas

The boys riding Thomas

                                                                 We switched kids!

August 26, 2011

Trip to Alabama for Papa's memorial golf tournament

We went to Alabama for the annual Steve Driggers memorial golf tournament in honor of Jon's dad hosted by Papa's company. Jon & his brother Brad & their team won the tournament!  Yay!  We also spent a day at the pool.

                                                            Jon & Brad

As we were driving home, we passed alot of utility trucks going to NC after Hurricane Irene.

August 13, 2011

Caitlyn comes to visit!

My beautiful cousin Beth has had her first child after trying for so long. Gorgeous baby Caitlyn came to visit & we had nice family time!

                                                        The proud family!

August 07, 2011

Dexter's cancer

A little voice told me to go outside & spend quality time with the dogs & to do it now so I did. When I got outside to the dogs area, I noticed Dexter's testicle was ALOT bigger than his other one (the little one at the top is the size they are supposed to be):

We made a vet appointment & they said yes, it's cancer & he had a castration that week. He is fine & cancer free now!  Yay!  Although he might not see it that way!

August 06, 2011

Jon's 39th surprise party

Jon turned 39 on Aug 8. I figured he would expect a party for his 40th, but not his 39th. A friend from church had thrown her husband a surprise 39th for the same reason. By the time I got the idea from her, I had a week to plan!  I was able to have a few friends & family over to make it enjoyable!  Below are highlights:

                                        They only had 30 sucks lollipops so I added a"9"

                                                                   Write on balloons!

July 10, 2011

Turtle Trouble!

When I went to feed the dogs, I saw that Dexter was playing with a turtle that had crawled into the electrical fence parameters. I quickly moved him to safety.

                                          Dexter wanted that turtle something fierce!

                                                           So cute!

                                                           Free at last!!!!!