
October 13, 2011

I wrote this a few months ago & thought I'd share.

Being here at my Mother in laws & looking thru all the photo albums & meeting elderly family members & visiting graves of those I haven't met has all made me really think about how true it is that we all grow so quickly. If you are lucky enough, in your lifetime you will be a child, a teenager, a young adult, an adult & then one day you will watch your child get married & you will become a grandparent & you will bury your parents. I can still remember my childhood & growing up very vividly. I can remember all my neighbors & friends, how young we all were & who I now get to see on facebook have their own children & become grandparents. I realize with alarming clarity that this is MY time. I am now the parent with a child to raise when it seems like just a few short years ago I was the child & my parents were raising me. In the blink of an eye, it will also be my time to watch my kids get married & have their own kids & then it will also become THEIR time. I will enjoy & remember each moment even though it scares the hell out of me how quickly it progresses. I hope God allows me the "time" to be here for it all. One day we will die & become a memory. Generations not yet born will ask who you were.  It is fantastic though when my 3yr old puts his little arms around me & says " I wub woo sooo much"!
Yes- this is my time! 

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