
March 06, 2014


I was being released from Duke today after my surgery & Jon got a news flash on his phone (I get the weather ones) that our son's elemnetary school was un lockdown by order of police for an unknown reason. I wanted to burst into tears but knew I had to handle it & find out info. Of course I immediately thought of Sandy Hook & I can't imagine how they are holding up. There was nothing being portrayed on the news & finally my wheelchair came which was great because I needed to get out of there & see about my kid. I called my best friend Kristie & my Dad & told them to tell me anything. It was right about noon so the noon news was on. I posted on facebook too & one of my friends posted a pic of the entrance to Spenser's school that was on the news & I could have just died. What is going on?  My baby is in that building! The lockdown was lifted after a half hour & we still don't really know exactally what it was except that it was some type of hoax. Cops said they know who did it, but nothing more was ever said. Spenser took a few days to talk about it & he said that the Principal made some kind of an announcement over the loud speaker & his teacher took all the kids either into a samller room or a closet & they had snacks & played games. he said mostly noone cried. Everyone did a great job at his school & holy cow was I scared!!!  Thank you lord that all was well & my babycame home from school that day. Our kids coming home from school should NEVER be an issue but unfortunately it is.

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