
March 01, 2013

Cold knife cone biopsy

If you read this blog, you'll recall a previous post about me having pre cervical cancer cells.  Well, the game plan was to have a cold knife cone biopsy after the baby was born.  I had it done today. Doctor said I bled more than she would have liked & they couldn't get a handle on it. She was not able to get all of it & we decided to let pathology take its course & do another pap in June to see where it is & will do another LEAP procedure then if need be to get the rest of it. If I were to get pregnant again, I would need a stitch to keep the baby from falling out or delivering too early. I feel great & all is well, although with all the medicine & complications it was a week or so before I was really back to normal.  Still no cancer which is the reason for the LEAP's & cone biopsy to keep me from getting it.

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