
March 10, 2013

Lane's Dedication

Today Lane was dedicated (the Baptist version of baptism) at our little Baptist church here. He will be formally baptized at our Presbyterian church in May.  Pastor John walked Lane around the congregation & talked about where Lane got his full name from & other things related to the Lord but I heard none of it as I couldn't concentrate due to a little 4 year old who did not want to act like a big boy standing in the front of the church!


March 01, 2013

Cold knife cone biopsy

If you read this blog, you'll recall a previous post about me having pre cervical cancer cells.  Well, the game plan was to have a cold knife cone biopsy after the baby was born.  I had it done today. Doctor said I bled more than she would have liked & they couldn't get a handle on it. She was not able to get all of it & we decided to let pathology take its course & do another pap in June to see where it is & will do another LEAP procedure then if need be to get the rest of it. If I were to get pregnant again, I would need a stitch to keep the baby from falling out or delivering too early. I feel great & all is well, although with all the medicine & complications it was a week or so before I was really back to normal.  Still no cancer which is the reason for the LEAP's & cone biopsy to keep me from getting it.