
May 07, 2012

PSA for Women

This may or may not be TMI depending on who you are but it needs to be said. I was regular with my yearly paps until Spenser was born. I have to admit it had been years since I had one. No real reason except that they'd always been fine. Jon & I had been trying for a year or more to get pregnant & it wasn't working. Even with ovulation kits, nothing was happening & I just couldn't understand why. Frustrated, I went to my OBGYN for an explanation. They did a pap smear & it came back loaded with pre cervical cancer cells, meaning it was just a matter of months before I would have full blown cervical cancer. I've had 2 operations to get it out & once the doctor gave Jon & I the go ahead for sex, we got pregnant that very first time! The cancer cells had blocked the entrance& therefore I couldn't get pregnant.  Basically not getting pregnant had saved my life. Moral of the story, get your yearly pap!!!! 

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