
April 07, 2012

Myrtle Beach for Easter!

Even though I live less than 3 hours away, I have never been to Myrtle Beach until this weekend.  Jon's Mom has a time share & we left Thursday night. Friday was freezing & rainy so we spent it with Gran, Aunt Leigh & the boys shopping & eating. Then we went to the Tiger Preservation station to have a picture with a white tiger cub (mark that off my bucket list)! We also got to hold an Orangutang. (That's what I'm calling it, it was some sort of monkey). Saturday was sunny & warm(er) so we took family photos on the beach & then Gran, Leigh & the boys went back to Alabama & we stayed & played on the beach & went home that night. It was a good time!

                                                            Where we stayed 

                                                     The boys in bed

   Aunt Leigh, Spenser, Evan & AJ            Me, Gran & Jon

 I loved how the majority of beach stores entrance's were sharks mouths!

                                                  Isn't he beautiful?!!!

                                                                Cubs playing



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