
October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

Spenser went as Lighning McQueen (lightning da queen as he says) from Cars this year.

                                                          Ringing the bell

                                                          Waiting patiently


October 25, 2011

Halloween is my favorite!

It's no secret that Halloween is my favorite holiday!  The costumes, the moveis, the songs, the haunted houses & of course the candy!  Some photos of some of my favorite decorations we have:

October 24, 2011

Breast Cancer Month

Since October is Breast cancer month, I wanted to do something to honor Mom but wasn't sure how until I thought about it. My Mom was a teacher & an advocate & I think that this is what she would want.  For all the women out there, when you get a mammogram, please get an MRI too. Demand it. Mammograms no longer pick up cancer by itself. Sometimes breasts are dense or the tumors are in spots a mammogram can't find so please get an MRI as well. Do this & pass it on, it is so important.

October 23, 2011

Halloween cookies!

Today we had Bradley over for a lunch of baked potato soup & mummy dogs & to make & decorate Halloween cookies & crafts!

October 22, 2011

Spenser's first haircut!

Yes he's 3 & yes he is just now having his hair cut!  He was not a fan but was somewhat ok after it got started.

October 19, 2011

Thank God for Genetics!

When my Mom concentrated on things, her tongue would always stick out & I've noticed in the past few months how Spenser's does too when he is concentrating! It makes me smile thinking of my Mom & thankful for genetic material that gets passed along so we always have something of our loved ones & never forget!

October 17, 2011

Learning about 911

Today at his preschool the Fire Dept came to talk about 911 & they brought the truck for the kids to explore & goodies for the kids.  Spenser tells what he learned:

October 15, 2011

Busy weekend

Today we had Bradley's 3rd bithday party & then Aunt Leigh & the boys came over for dinner & to watch the Auburn game.  Sunday after church, Spenser & I met up with my Dad & Uncle Jordy & went to the NC State fair. Then after Jon came home from work, we went to our dear neighbors Frank & Janice's for dinner. A really nice weekend!

What is wrong with this child?

Today we went to Bradley's 3rd birthday party & got a picture of the 3 friends, Spenser, Bradley & Tripp.  Click on the photos below to enlarge them to see what my child was doing in each picture!

October 13, 2011

Spenser at 3

Let's see- a few things about my 3 year old:
He loves condiments, ketchup (used to be pronounce "dep up"), sour cream, bark a que & man days (in his words).
He loves pizza.  I personally could eat it everyday, & although Jon likes it, his diabetes prevents him from being able to eat it every day but we sure can!
He loves Dora, Scooby, Olivia, Cars (only Mater & "Lightning the Queen"!) & Thomas.
He is learning alot in school & is learning how to write upper & lower case letters.
His favorite candy are M&M's  ( he calls them m m 's)  & Smarties.
His new thing to say to me is " Mommy, I like you".  I get that at least once a day!

I wrote this a few months ago & thought I'd share.

Being here at my Mother in laws & looking thru all the photo albums & meeting elderly family members & visiting graves of those I haven't met has all made me really think about how true it is that we all grow so quickly. If you are lucky enough, in your lifetime you will be a child, a teenager, a young adult, an adult & then one day you will watch your child get married & you will become a grandparent & you will bury your parents. I can still remember my childhood & growing up very vividly. I can remember all my neighbors & friends, how young we all were & who I now get to see on facebook have their own children & become grandparents. I realize with alarming clarity that this is MY time. I am now the parent with a child to raise when it seems like just a few short years ago I was the child & my parents were raising me. In the blink of an eye, it will also be my time to watch my kids get married & have their own kids & then it will also become THEIR time. I will enjoy & remember each moment even though it scares the hell out of me how quickly it progresses. I hope God allows me the "time" to be here for it all. One day we will die & become a memory. Generations not yet born will ask who you were.  It is fantastic though when my 3yr old puts his little arms around me & says " I wub woo sooo much"!
Yes- this is my time!