
March 12, 2011

Very Busy Saturday

Today we had a birthday party for my friend's 4 year old & then the wedding of our friend Kate!
Here are some highlights:

Here comes the bride!



Us with the bride & groom

The girls!

Their cake (square) is a little familiar to ours (round).


March 08, 2011


 Jon & I were watching a show I think on CNBC called "How I made my millions" & they did a spot on a drink I had never heard of before called Hint.  All it is (literally) is pure water with a little bit of flavoring. I had wanted something like this before & found a drink in the water section & although I don't remember the name of it, I do remember how gross it was as it was so sweet. It was advertised as pure water with flavor.
So anyhow I decided to try Hint since I'm on a health kick not only for weight & sleeping but for anti cancer & this drink is AWESOME. It is water with flavoring, you can smell it more than taste it. So far I've only tried Blackberry but plan on stocking up on this drink!

March 02, 2011

Not for the faint hearted- or those who love Spenser

Spenser's daycare called me at work today to tell me that he had fallen on the playground. He was pushing a truck & it got out from underneath him & he fell face first. They said his nose & forehead were scraped up. I thought no big deal. When I picked him up- this is what I got:

 I then realized why they called- so I wouldn't be shocked when I saw him!  Poor baby. He's fine & the school no longer allows things with wheels on the concrete.

February 27, 2011


Jon only snores if he is extremely tired. The only time I recall snoring is when I was pregnant.  I'm sure Spenser isn't pregnant so he is either extremely tired or has a stuffy nose! 

February 26, 2011

A Great Saturday!

We had such a great day today. I got my haircut & then we went to Walmart & they were finally selling Girl Scout cookies today so we bought 6 boxes & then they were selling puppies in the parking lot so Spenser & I went to pet (while I actually held) yellow lab puppies (my favorite!!!) & then we had lunch at a chinese buffet & Leigh & the boys came over for dinner & cake for her birthday!

February 24, 2011

A Year Ago

It's been a a year today since Mom died. Me, Jon, Dad, Sissy & Jordy all went out for lunch at Cracker Barrell to be together today. Toots liked Cracker Barrell so we went there. I'm not sure how I feel today. Terribly sad, but also thankful that she got to see me marry & have a baby, thankful that she is with the Lord & her family & friends gone before her, thankful for her life in general, but also feeling a huge void.

February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Jon loves me & he loves Pez so for Valentine's this year I saw it only fitting to get him this: