
March 04, 2014

TAC surgery

We found out a week before Lane's first birthdaythat I am pregnant with baby #3!  Total shocker as I usually like to plan these things out & wanted Lane to be 2 before #3 came. But anyhow due to my precancerous cervical celss & having had a leap & a cone surgery, my doctors told me that when ever I discover I'm pregnant- that I need to have a Trans Abdominal Cerclage. Without it, baby would just fall out during 2nd trimester as there is noting to hold it in. So today I had that surgery. We had a terrible ice storm & the morning we had to leave at 5am, it was dark, freezing & ice covered. Jon was vomit sick that morning & said he was fine to drive. We stopped at the store for him to get a Gatorade & when he came out, he leaned over by te driver door to be sick. He still hadn't vomitted yet but the nausea was bad. I told him then that I would drive since he could not. Once we got there & into a triage room, he asked the nurse checking me in for the silver bucket thing to be sick in. From then on, every doctor or nurse that came in knew he was sick too. When my doctor got there, he gave Jon a prescription for Zofran & had the nurse get it. After about a half hour, Jon finally got it up & we could ear them paging some code in our room because thye could hear poor Jon! When I was wheeled back for surgery, they gave Jon my bed & took care of him so we were both patients!
 I was awake for it & thye said it would be alot like a C-section. Since I had never had a C-section before, this was new for me. They did a local & then doctor would say when he was cutting & then he started saying things like, "ok there's the bladder, let's move it, oh there's the uterus, ok tie right there" & I kept thinking "if you keep giving a play by play, I'm going to barf". Then the nurse guy kept asking me questions & I was thinking "if you don't stop talking to me I'm going to be sick". So then I barfed- well technically heaved as there was nothing in my stomach but anesthesia seems to do that to me. Anyhow, it was quick & I was in Duke for 2 days. All is good. They keep checking me about every 2-3 weeks & all is well!

January 10, 2014

Lane's first birthday!

Sweet baby Lane turned 1 on Jan 10. We had his party on Jan 12. It was at our house with family & a friend. Low scale. He enjoyed the ckae & whatever he dropped, Max the dog was more than happy to help clean up! We love you little Lane boy!

Max loved any cake that Lane dropped on the floor!


December 27, 2013

Dad turns 80!

My Dad turned 80 on Dec 27. I asked him how he felt about that & he said he couldn't believe it & that he doesn't feel a day over 60! Fortunately the 27th was a Friday so we all (which in addition to his kids & their families was also Aunt Ba & Nanny, Lou's Mom) went out to a nice dinner at the Italian restaurant across the street from my sister's- Bella Monica. They had written in chalk "Happy Birthday Papa Bill" so we would be greeted with it upon entering the restaurant but someone got sick & vomited on the "ll" so needless to say I didn't get a picture of that! It was such a nice time!

Party City stops at 60 in store but they had 1980's theme party stuff so I improvised!

Cake with elderly touches!
Birthday wishes
Dad & his grandsons

December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Some photos from Christmas at my sister's this year:

                                                             This is a cake!

All the kids on their DS, cell phones, Ipads, etc!

My boys & my neices

December 11, 2013

Lane meets Santa

This is Lane's first Christmas & therefore his first time meeting Santa. Everyone thought he would cry, I said no, he will try to grab his beard & eat it.  So who was correct:

Yep, he grabbed the beard!

November 30, 2013

2013 Iron Bowl

We went to Jon's Mom's for Thanksgiving this year, the first time in years. The Iron bowl was scheduled in Auburn while we were there so we decided to go with Leigh & Josh (Jon's sister & hubby) since it's only about 35 minutes from Jon's Mom's & since they are all Auburn fans. We went tailgating & then went back to Jon's Mom's to watch the game on TV. We did the Tiger walk & watched the band- I wish they had a Tiger walk for our hockey team! So fun! What a fantastic ending- definately made me wish we were still tailgating for it! My Mother in law has MD & can't walk without crutches but I tell you when Auburn won, that woman got out of her chair & walked!

November 16, 2013

Marbles Kids Museum

Today we went with our church group to Marbles, the kids museum.  Why its called a museum I don't know because you play there, no exhibits. Anyhow- it was fun as always! They have so many fun "stations". Would have loved something like this when I was a kid!

The vet


Spenser driving the ambulance

Lane picking corn on the farm

Spenser checking out groceries

Pizza parlor

Spenser playing hockey!