
August 17, 2014

New puppy

Meet Frankenpup  Lucy. Jon insisted on getting her even though I am 3 weeks away from having a baby.  I thought she was the ugliest dog I'd ever seen! My coworker said she looks like a burn victim!  She has since grown on me & maybe even more when she gets house trained. Spenser named her Lucy. I call her Lucy Lu & Jon calls her Lulu.

August 02, 2014

He's an ar- tist!

Lane had somehow gotten a hold of a green sharpie & colored the wall as well as himself. Since then, there have been many other wall drawings by our little artist.  The walls need repainted & we need new carpet in the house as well (due to kids & dogs) but I refuse to do it until all the kids are at least 10 as there is just no point to do it any sooner as we'll only have to redo it.