
December 27, 2013

Dad turns 80!

My Dad turned 80 on Dec 27. I asked him how he felt about that & he said he couldn't believe it & that he doesn't feel a day over 60! Fortunately the 27th was a Friday so we all (which in addition to his kids & their families was also Aunt Ba & Nanny, Lou's Mom) went out to a nice dinner at the Italian restaurant across the street from my sister's- Bella Monica. They had written in chalk "Happy Birthday Papa Bill" so we would be greeted with it upon entering the restaurant but someone got sick & vomited on the "ll" so needless to say I didn't get a picture of that! It was such a nice time!

Party City stops at 60 in store but they had 1980's theme party stuff so I improvised!

Cake with elderly touches!
Birthday wishes
Dad & his grandsons

December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Some photos from Christmas at my sister's this year:

                                                             This is a cake!

All the kids on their DS, cell phones, Ipads, etc!

My boys & my neices

December 11, 2013

Lane meets Santa

This is Lane's first Christmas & therefore his first time meeting Santa. Everyone thought he would cry, I said no, he will try to grab his beard & eat it.  So who was correct:

Yep, he grabbed the beard!