
October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

This year was Lane's first Halloween. We went to Bradley's new neighborhood to try it out & it was great! Lane was a lion, Spenser was a pirate (Captain Jack Sparrow) & Bradley was a ninja turtle.

                                       I loved the back of Bradley's turtle costume

                                   One of the houses was decorated with these heads dangling from a tree

                                 ... and I caught Bradley's reaction to them!  Priceless!

I told Kristie & Spenser to put their light sticks in the air so I could get this shot.

October 24, 2013

Aunts visit & State fair

My Dad's 2 little sisters, Annie & Charlotte, came to visit us from Pittsburgh. Aunt Annie tries to come once a year but I haven't seem my Aunt Charlotte in probably 15 or so years so I was so excited to see her this time! Such a wonderful visit & we also went to the NC State Fair.
with Aunt Char
 with Aunt Annie
                                  Dad with his sisters

                                                 Duck Dynasty tomatoes

                 Spenser & Jon leaning over to see me from the ferris wheel!

                                                        I love the piglet races!

October 04, 2013

Fall Festival

Today, Spenser's Elementary school had it's very first Fall Festival. It was really fun but could get pretty expensive for the raffle tickets needed to do anything & eat. Since it was such a success, they think they will make it an annual tradition!

                                                       Dunking the principal

  Spenser pumpkin bowling which was his favorite thing to do there

This was some chocolate diving game, pretty gross but ingenious too!