
July 06, 2013

Spenser's swim lessons

I signed Spenser up for swimming lessons through Raleigh parks & rec. The coach was from the Red Cross. I want to make sure my kids know how to swim since I never learned but am now as an adult. My main thing is still not knowing what to do if I can't touch the bottom. Anyhow, this boy loves a pool so we're good. Lessons were every Saturday in July. He'll need more of course but many times he asked the coach to let him go so he can do it!


Practicing "ice cream scoops"

July 01, 2013

Beach trip without the beach!

Today we went to the Battleship & Aquarium.  We would have gone to the beach but it was so rainy!  It was a great time, I hadn't been to the battleship since 1991!

Post office

Operating room

Petting a shark!