
September 23, 2012

1860's house

While we were in Alabama, we found this house for sale. I love an old southern plantation & have always wanted to see the inside of a house like this. Luckily it was open so we went exploring. It was awesome!!!

Stained glass

September 22, 2012

Great Grandma

Jon is blessed to have a great grandmother- his only surviving grandparent. We went to visit his family in Alabama this month.  Here is Nannaw with her great grandson Spenser!  I love the fact that my child has a great grandparent!

September 12, 2012

A pump for Jon

Today, Jon got fitted for a diabetic pump. It's been a long time coming & we feel this will be a much better way for him to manage his diabetes than taking injections. This pump gives him a continuous drip of insulin & each time he eats something, he has to enter in the number of carbohydrates he's eating into his little monitor & the insulin will adjust according to what he needs.  So far so good & he shouldn't have any more diabetic crashes which is very good!

September 09, 2012

Jon joins a church

Today, Jon became a member of the little Baptist church down the street from our house. We met with the minister & then at the end of church he introduced us & they voted to accept Jon's membership. I'm still a member of my Presbyterian church. We alternate weekends!  So glad Jon has found a good church where his personal relationship with Jesus can grow!