
December 25, 2011

Reindeer minivan

I have always wanted the reindeer car kit but have never seen them in stores- I think it is so cute!  It looks best on SUV's & minivans to me, maybe because they are longer & taller but anyway Jon got me one this year & I love it!

Family at Christmas

I think my Mom would LOVE this photo of her grandkids!  Spenser & my neices Caroline & Jacqueline

Cousins- Me, Marcie & Bill

2nd cousins, Spenser, Bryan & Ethan

December 23, 2011

Spenser Elf

Spenser brought this home from school & I laughed & laughed. Enjoy!

December 17, 2011

Jethro's ready to go

Today Jon's sister Leigh moved to Alabama. We met them for lunch & then went back to their house & as you can see their dog Jethro is packed & ready to go!  We'll miss them more than they'll know!

December 11, 2011

Weekend of parties

On Friday, I had a neighborhood ornament & cookie exchange party & then on Sat, my brother had a dinner holiday party & then on Sun, Gran & Uncle Brad came in from Alabama to celebrate Christmas.

With his loot

Big hit was Mater

Playing with Mater with Cuz Evan

With his Gran

December 08, 2011

Crazy day at school

Today Spenser had to dress "crazy" for school. His teacher said he won first prize! In addition to the underwear on the outside of his clothes, he also has on mismatching socks & shoes & we tried to get his hair to stick up.